Calculate Days in The US by Calendar Year
If you exceed 182 days per calendar year in the United States, the IRS will consider you as a resident for tax purposes.
The calendar year calculation feature allows you to easily keep track of this. It counts all full or partial days that you were, or will be, in the United States during the calendar year as selected by the As Of date. The As Of date will determine which year it is calculating, but it will always include all trip days within the calendar year selected, including future days within that calendar year.
This way you can not only track the time you have been in the US during the year but include in your calculations future trips as well. This feature allows you to plan out your trips and adjust your stays in order to avoid any detrimental tax surprises from the IRS. For more info on the IRS policies regarding this, see their website.
Calculate Time in the US by last 365 Days
If you exceed 180 continuous days in the US, in the previous 365 days at any point throughout the year you may be considered in the United States unlawfully by US Customs and Immigration. Penalties are severe and include being barred from the US for 3 and 10 years.
The last 365 days calculation counts all full or partial days that you were in the United States during the previous 365 days as selected by the As Of date. This enables you to easily keep track on a rolling basis and over more than one year, just how many days you have spent in the United States. This feature again can help you plan your trips wisely and with all the information you need, at your fingertips.
Substantial Presence
Substantial presence is calculated when you have been physically in the USA for at least 31 days in the current calendar year. It is calculated as all days in the current year + 1/3 of the days in the previous year + 1/6 of the days from two years prior. If you exceed 182 days in this calculation the United States IRS will consider you as a resident for tax purposes. See IRS form 8840 to claim a Closer Connection to a Foreign Country.
Learn More
Our App handles these complex calculations for you and gives you a simple total that allows you to make informed travel plans. Never be surprised by or worried about your time spent in the United States again!. The Substantial presence calculation allows you to easily see how to adjust your trips and length of stay in order to stay under the pertinent targets.
Calculate Purchases
This screen is a simple sum of the purchases you enter for each trip. The exchange rate is updated daily during your trip if you have access to a data plan on your phone. The conversion rate is frozen as of the last day of each trip and will not automatically update again. This calculation allows you to enter purchases as you make them and then quickly and easily see a running total.
Exchange Rates
The exchange rate used within the Purchase Tracker is updated each day while you are on a trip. On the final day of the trip, the exchange rate is fixed and held constant so that the rate used to convert your purchases is the most recent rate.
This allows you to make an accurate declaration to Customs as well as see how much your trip expenses cost you in Canadian Dollars.
Obtain your I-94 Information from US Custom and Border Protection